The girls and I headed to San Diego this week for the Cubs and the Padres series. Unfortunately the Cubs didn't do that well but my family and I had a blast taking the girls to Dog Beach! They had such a good time and it was nice to be back in California and hanging out by the ocean for the day :)
Logan and I went for a drive up in the foothills last night. still too hot to get out and hike, but hopefully in the coming months we will be able to as it cools off. The desert here is just beautiful. :)
Some shots of the girls making new friends in Tucson. It was a really rainy day here. We are right in the middle of monsoon season and get some really crazy storms. It almost reminds me of spring back in the mid west with all the thunderstorms. Anyways, the girls had a blast and I met some more people from Chicago! That is 3 in the past 2 days. Go cubs fans! So here they are... Crash is a little muddy since she of course found a giant mud puddle and proceeded to lay down and roll around in it. Yep, that sounds about right doesn't it?
Welcome! So I just thought that it might be a good idea to start a blog so that everyone back home can keep up with what the Wolf family is up to down in Tucson! For those who don't know, we have OFFICIALLY made the move and all four of us are here together. Finally!
This is the first time we have all been together since January and we are adjusting to living under the same roof again. We are going from a pretty good sized house to a studio apartment with no yard. Which makes for some frustrated dogs! But we are getting there! I'm (Megan) almost done decorating the place and will have some pictures up soon.
As far as Tucson, we haven't gotten the chance to get out quite yet. We have found a GREAT sushi place right on Congress (the downtown strip) called "on a roll". And there are some super fun thrift stores around here! Its been too hot to go running or do much outside (110 the other day! is that even possible?!), but hopefully we can get to the pool that is right in our condo complex soon. We have meet some of our neighbors and they seem pretty nice except for the lady that yelled at us on move in day, but I digress.
Hopefully I can get Logan on here later to give a little update about how he is LOVING his job! :) for now, the girls and I are off for our first experience at a the dog park.
Stay tuned for more adventures from the Wolf pack... Logan, Megan, Crash, and Nicky
love to all of you :)
please comment and let us know how you are all doing!!
p.s. also here is our new address
1001 east 17th street apartment 106 Tucson Az 85719